Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How to make Indian Akaash Kandil

I made (mainly my Dad and me as assistant) Indian Akaash Kandil last deepawali. Unfortunately, I did not click snaps of each step. But fortunately, I have attempted to create this using a 3d software.

Here it goes

16 sticks of length 1 ft and less diameter - 5 mm - lets call this s1-s16
8 sticks of again 1 ft length and slightly more diameter - 8 mm - call this m1-m8
4 sticks of length 1.5 ft and 10 mm diameter - call this L1-L4.
Around 4 sheets of chart paper of different colours - red, orange, yellow and pink.
glue to stick paper to the sticks
thread to tie the sticks together
lots and lots of patience.

for s, I used an old broom.
for m and L, I used leftover sticks by the carpenter.
for threads, I used coconut fibre strings - (Konkani - sutli, Marathi - sutali)
glue - take some wheat flour heat water and add flour - you get industry quality paper sticking glue. Ask your mother to di this (as I did)

1 stick

tie s1-s4

tie an L1 to such a group of four s1s

tie four such units

Join the remaining end to close the loop and also tie the intersection of s with L using the M sticks

tie Ms below too

Hmm, Now you got the structure ready.

If you notice correctly, you will have 4 squares and eight triangles - 4 on the top and 4 below. Cut corresponding sized papers.

Now stick paper to the squares and triangles. I have used a red plastic transparent plastic for some triangles. It was very difficult to stick these plastics as they wont respond to the normal glue.

Also, for each edge, cut a paper into stripes with triangular border and stick it at each edge. Covering each edge gives it a good effect and finishing.

Also, if you saw above, I had tied a string just below and just above the squares. I used these to stick a cylindrical paper stickys (called khotto, plural - khotte in konkani).

Also, you can draw some image like swastik, deepak, cut it and stick it on the square faces.

Now time to stick tail. Cut long stripes of the same paper and stick it. Hanging the structure to a fan would help do this.

This is how it looks when you put a bulb inside

And this is in dark...


  1. great.. whats the plan for next year? :)

  2. Wow thats a great kandil. We liked it. So this year you can make a bigger one. Namrata is there to help you.

    1. Some time, I would like to try out even more traditional kandil which has some place inside to hold earthen lamps instead of electric bulb :-)

  3. Whee do you we get these sticks ?
